20 Best JavaScript Books for Web Developers in 2024

Looking to learn JavaScript in 2024? Our guide to the best books for JavaScript will help you master the essential language in no time. There's something unique for everyone in this collection of 27 books — from absolute beginners to advanced developers. Unlock the power of JavaScript today!

No matter if you’re a beginner or an advanced programmer, learning JavaScript is essential to becoming a successful web developer.

The good news is that there are many great books out there that can help you learn the ins and outs of this popular programming language.

In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of what we believe are the best books for learning JavaScript in 2024.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic programming language that is used to create interactive web pages.

It was originally developed for Netscape, one of the earliest Internet browsers, and has since become a primary building block for powerful web applications.

JavaScript enables web pages to be dynamic by allowing programs to change during execution and giving developers the ability to control elements such as menus, images, animations, and more.

It can also be used on web servers to create websites or control robots (and other hardware).

How to choose a book for learning JavaScript

When choosing a book to learn JavaScript, it’s important to consider the quality, language features covered, examples used and target audience. You should also take into account the author's background and writing style, as well as aggregate ratings of the book.

When comparing books it’s important to look at what each one has to offer in terms of topics covered and how easy they are to understand.

Additionally, you should compare reviews from other readers who have used the book in order to get an idea of its effectiveness for your learning needs.

Keep an eye on these factors when making your choice:

  • Quality of the book
  • Language features covered
  • Examples used in the book
  • Target audience for the book
  • Author's background and writing style
  • Aggregate ratings of the book
  • Topics covered in detail
  • Level of understanding required to take full advantage of the content
  • Reviews from other readers who have read and used the book

Once you’ve decided on a book, don’t forget to read it! Reading the book is an essential part of learning JavaScript and mastering the language. After all, practice makes perfect!

The best way to learn JavaScript is to get hands-on experience with code. Use the book as a reference guide, but don’t forget to practice and build your own projects.

This will give you valuable experience and help you learn faster. Try out different tutorials, projects, and challenges to find what works best for you!

Ultimately, the best JavaScript book for you is one that meets your individual learning needs, and offers clear advice and guidance. Reading reviews from others should help you make an informed decision on which book to choose. With the right material in hand, it should be easier to get started and become a proficient programmer in no time.

The best books for learning JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much everything else. (Okay, not everything—but it is amazing what you can do with a few lines of code.)

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JavaScript has been the most popular programming language for the past few years, and there is no sign of it slowing down. If you want to learn JavaScript, you need the best resources out there.

Here are the best books for learning JavaScript in 2024.

Head First JavaScript Programming

Head First JavaScript is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn JavaScript. It provides a comprehensive overview of the language, covering everything from basic language fundamentals to advanced topics such as objects, functions and the browser's document object model.

The book also includes exercises, games and puzzles to help reinforce learning concepts. Additionally, it provides an understanding of how JavaScript works with browsers as well as an insight into various types of arrays and the power of functions and objects in JavaScript.

Ultimately, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to learn JavaScript in-depth, or just refresh their memory on fundamental topics.

Head First JavaScript Programming

Head First JavaScript Programming is the perfect book for anyone looking to learn the basics of web development and programming. 

It provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of JavaScript, from language fundamentals to more advanced topics like objects, functions, and the browser’s document object model. 

Through engaging illustrations, puzzles, and games you'll build real-world code that will help you create your own web applications. Perfect for beginner programmers who are eager to master this popular coding language!

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JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide is an excellent book for learning JavaScript because it provides an in-depth understanding of the language features and web platform APIs aimed at web application development. It is written by David Flanagan, one of the most recognized experts on JavaScript and web development.

The book offers detailed explanations of complex topics such as closures, graphics, and prototyping and includes over 1000 pages full of examples and exercises to practice from.

With six editions released over the years, each new version offers updated features making it an excellent reference guide for anyone seeking knowledge beyond the basics.

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

If you want to become a proficient, well-rounded JavaScript programmer, this is the book for you.

Written by an experienced programmer with a degree in computer science and engineering from MIT, it covers everything from the basics of JavaScript to more advanced topics such as objects, prototypes, and Node.js.

With detailed information on all of the APIs implemented by web browsers and by Node.js, this book is essential for any programmer who wants a deep understanding of the language of the web. Start mastering JavaScript today with JavaScript: The Definitive Guide.

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JavaScript for Kids for Dummies

JavaScript for Kids for Dummies is a book that introduces pre-teenagers to the programming language JavaScript. It provides an engaging way to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript by following step-by-step guides, doing small goal-oriented coding projects, and creating games, apps, and more.

JavaScript for Kids for Dummies is an excellent resource for those who want their kids to learn the basics of JavaScript or for those who want to learn themselves. The book keeps readers' interest with its fun approach while teaching essential concepts like conditional statements, data types, functions and loops in an easy-to-follow manner. Furthermore it provides hands on experience through its various coding projects which helps cement lessons learned while keeping readers entertained with games they can create themselves!

JavaScript for Kids for Dummies

JavaScript for Kids for Dummies is an ideal introduction to coding for pre-teens and early teens. It guides users through the basics of JavaScript step by step, with projects that help them learn key coding concepts while creating apps, games, and more.

With just this book, kids can access high-quality instruction on the fundamentals of JavaScript without having to go through expensive summer camps or classes.

Through small goal-orientated projects, readers will gain a deeper understanding of JavaScript so they can create their own:

  • calculator app
  • grocery shopping app
  • wishlist app
  • choose your own adventure game
  • an animated robot
  • a lemonade stand app

It's the perfect resource for young aspiring coders who have big dreams!

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Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming

Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming is a great book for learning JavaScript because it uses an easy-to-understand and relatable language, has lots of practice exercises, and gives readers an introduction to programming using JavaScript.

The book also provides detailed explanations of the foundational components of JavaScript, such as variables, functions, objects and arrays.

Additionally, it covers modern topics such as ES6 features like promises and modules that are essential for modern web development. Lastly, Eloquent JS offers helpful tips on how to write efficient code that will make any developer's life easier.

Eloquent JavaScript (3rd Edition)

Referencing both modern and legacy JavaScript, this comprehensive guide is perfect for beginner and experienced developers alike. With its engaging writing style, detailed explanations, helpful exercises and all-new illustrative examples, Eloquent JavaScript is an essential book for anyone looking to learn JavaScript.

Throughout the book, author Marijn Haverbeke breaks down each concept into easy-to-understand pieces. Along the way, you'll also complete exercises designed to reinforce your understanding of concepts covered in the book.

You'll learn everything from the basics, like values and types, to concepts like data structures and error handling. You'll learn how web browsers interact with JavaScript and how Node.js can help you develop backends and utilities.

With this book, you'll be one step closer to becoming a JavaScript expert. Get Eloquent JavaScript today and start learning the language of the web.

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You Don't Know JS Yet

You Don't Know JS Yet is a book series written by Kyle Simpson that covers all aspects of JavaScript. The series covers basic concepts to advanced topics such as closure, objects, scopes and ES2016 changes. Each book is around 100 pages long.

You Don't Know JS Yet is an excellent resource for those who want to learn more about JavaScript or fill in any gaps in their knowledge. The books are written in a clear and concise manner that makes them easy to understand even for beginners; however they also explore trickier parts of the language which experienced JavaScript programmers may not be aware of.

The series spans six books, which means it provides more detailed coverage than most other single-volume JavaScript textbooks on the market today.

You Don't Know JS Yet: Get Started (2nd Edition)

Looking for the best way to get started with JavaScript?

This first book in the series will teach you all the fundamentals you need to get up and running. You Don't Know JS Yet: Get Started is a must-have for any programmer wanting to master the arcane arts and take their JavaScript skills up a power level.

Written in an engaging and conversational tone, You Don't Know JS Yet: Get Started covers all sides of the language in multiple layers of detail. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of this powerful programming language. You'll be exploring:

  • the evolution of JavaScript,
  • the building blocks of the language and its roots and pillars,
  • best practices for code organization,
  • common myths about JavaScript,
  • best ways to use values and functions,
  • the importance of closure and prototypes.
  • effective practice for your JavaScript skills

You Don't Know JS Yet: Get Started provides an excellent roadmap for anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of JavaScript. If you're ready to become a master of your language, read this best-selling book!

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JavaScript: The Good Parts

JavaScript: The Good Parts is a book that covers the good aspects of JavaScript. These include syntax, objects, functions, inheritance, arrays, regular expressions, methods and style.

The book also covers some of the more beautiful features of JavaScript such as its elegant syntax which makes it easy to read and understand. Additionally, JS has built-in storage capacity which wasn't available in earlier versions of the browser.

Overall, JavaScript: The Good Parts is a great book for learning about all the good aspects of JavaScript. It covers both the basics and some more advanced topics in an easy to understand way. If you're looking to learn about JavaScript then this book is definitely worth checking out!

JavaScript: The Good Parts

The ultimate guide for any programmer looking to take their JavaScript skills to the next level, JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford is an essential read. It’s a deep dive into the best features of the language, from the basics of syntax to advanced concepts like objects and inheritance.

With this book, you’ll discover how powerful JavaScript can be when used correctly and learn best practices that will help take your projects to the next level. Written by an expert in web development, Douglas Crockford, this bestseller is a must-have for any web developer looking to get the best out of their code. Pick up a copy today and start mastering JavaScript.

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JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development

JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive Front-end Web Development is a book that covers topics such as JavaScript programming challenges, progressive enhancement practices for cross-browser compatibility, and much more.

This book is a good choice for learning JavaScript because it enables developers to create scripts from scratch, use jQuery to simplify code, recreate popular web techniques, and make sites more interactive. In addition, the book progresses in a logical way from basic concepts to advanced techniques.

It also helps developers progress from basic concepts to advanced techniques in a logical way while covering topics such as programming challenges, progressive enhancement practices for cross-browser compatibility, and much more.

Learn to Code with JavaScript

Learn to Code with JavaScript by Darren Jones is the perfect book for anyone wanting to get a valuable coding education. This hands-on guide provides comprehensive instruction on programming basics like data types, variables, and logic control flow, as well as collection types such as arrays, sets, and maps.

Throughout this easy-to-follow book, you'll also build fun applications including games and interactive web pages – giving you invaluable experience with one of the most popular programming languages on Earth.

Whether you’re looking to build the next social media sensation or just want to learn the basics of coding, this book is an excellent resource for everyone!

Learn to Code with JavaScript

Learn to Code with JavaScript by Darren Jones is an excellent book for anyone wanting to start coding, offering comprehensive instruction on programming basics as well as collection types and building applications such as games and web pages.

With its simple approach, this hands-on guide provides invaluable experience with one of the most popular programming languages used today.

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Professional JavaScript for Web Developers

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers is a book written by Matt Frisbie that aims to provide a developer-level introduction of JavaScript. It covers topics such as object-oriented programming, browser object models, function expressions, Ajax techniques, web APIs and much more.

This book is an excellent resource for those looking to learn JavaScript in depth or enhance their web development skills. The author provides detailed explanations of complex concepts making it easy for beginners to understand the material while also providing advanced information that experienced programmers will find useful.

Professional JavaScript includes code examples which helps readers practice what they’ve learned in each chapter making it an ideal resource for anyone looking to learn this powerful language.

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers is perfect for intermediate-to-advanced programmers, and covers everything you need to know about modern JavaScript development. Whether you're newer to the language or have been using it for years, this book will help you take your skills to the next level.

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Learn JavaScript Visually with Interactive Exercises

Learn JavaScript VISUALLY with Interactive Exercises is a book that uses both visual aids and interactive exercises to help readers learn JavaScript. The book's illustrations and metaphors are designed to help readers remember concepts more easily, while the interactive exercises provide opportunities to apply what they have learned in a practical setting.

This combination of visual imagery and practical application can help readers master JavaScript faster than if they were just reading the material alone.

Learn JavaScript Visually with Interactive Exercises

Learn JavaScript VISUALLY with Interactive Exercises is a unique and creative way to learn the programming language. 

This book uses full-color illustrations, metaphors, analogies and easy interactive exercises to help readers understand the basics of the language quickly and effectively. 

If you are someone who struggles to read traditional programming books, this book is perfect for you!

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Advanced JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript by Zachary Shute is an invaluable resource to help you go deeper into understanding and using the full capabilities of JavaScript.

You will explore all aspects of this versatile programming language, from it’s new ES6 syntax to asynchronous programming. This book covers a wide range of topics from test-driven development to DOM manipulation, browser events, and functional programming.

With this comprehensive guide as your companion, you can master advanced JavaScript concepts that will bolster your web development skills and give you greater control over projects.

Advanced JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript is ideal for tech enthusiasts looking to explore ES6 syntax, understand asynchronous programming, master advanced JavaScript concepts, and build apps with backend, frontend, and mobile frameworks.

It also covers topics such as DOM manipulation, event handling, and functional programming for a complete understanding of modern JavaScript.

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Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript

Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript is an essential guide for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of this powerful programming language.

Written by renowned author David Herman, with years of experience on Ecma's JavaScript standardization committee, this book offers well-proven techniques and best practices backed by concrete examples. It provides clear and precise guidance on using the language's best features while avoiding common pitfalls.

It covers everything from prototype-based object-oriented programming, data structures, and variable scoping semantics, to useful patterns such as options objects and method chaining.

With Effective JavaScript, you can take advantage of its expressiveness to write better code that is more reliable, maintainable, and predictable — helping you get maximum return on investment with your time and money. Highly recommended!

Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript

Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript is an essential guide for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of this powerful programming language.

Written by renowned author David Herman, this book offers well-proven techniques and best practices backed by concrete examples. Take advantage of JavaScript's expressiveness to write better code that is more reliable, maintainable, and predictable.

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Understanding JavaScript Promises

Understanding JavaScript Promises is an essential guide for all JavaScript developers, providing a comprehensive explanation of how Promises work within the language.

Written by industry expert Nicholas C. Zakas and packed with real-world examples, Understanding JavaScript Promises is perfect for those wanting to take their knowledge of JavaScript promises to the next level.

With this book, you'll learn not just how to use promises but also why and when they should be used in order to maximize their efficiency within your codebase.

Whether you are coding for web browsers, Node or Deno, this guidebook has everything you need!

Understanding JavaScript Promises

Understanding JavaScript Promises is an essential guide for all JavaScript developers, providing a comprehensive explanation of how Promises work within the language. 

Written with real-world examples and packed with industry expert advice, this book is perfect to take your knowledge of promises to the next level!

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Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers

Speaking JavaScript is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to learn the language or dive deeper into its features. Written by a veteran programmer, this book provides a quick-start guide and an in-depth reference that covers each language feature.

It also includes background on JavaScript's history and relationship to other programming languages, as well as tips, tools, libraries, style guides and best practices from advanced techniques to module systems.

Speaking JavaScript is an invaluable resource with clear explanations of both ES6 syntax and object-oriented programming concepts – it's the ideal choice for any serious developer looking to make the most out of their web projects.

Speaking JavaScript

Speaking JavaScript is the perfect guide for anyone wanting to learn or dive deeper into the language – it includes a quick-start guide, in-depth reference, history and relationships of programming languages, tips, tools & libraries, as well as style guides and best practices.

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JavaScript from Beginner to Professional

JavaScript from Beginner to Professional is the perfect guide for anyone looking to develop their web application skills. Through a project-based approach, readers will build key programming concepts and learn how to utilize Document Object Model manipulation with JS code exercises and fun projects.

Concepts covered include dynamic element manipulation, interactive content & event listeners, concurrency & asynchronous programming.

With primers on important libraries, frameworks & APIs included at the end, this book provides developers of all levels an easy-to-follow practical guide for JavaScript development!

JavaScript from Beginner to Professional

JavaScript from Beginner to Professional is a comprehensive guide to mastering the fundamentals of JavaScript. 

In this book, readers will learn basic programming concepts and Document Object Model manipulations used in web development like data validation, manipulating the appearance of web pages, and working with asynchronous code. 

Additionally, it includes project-based learning exercises with fun projects ranging from dynamic websites to simple browser-based games for an interactive approach to coding. 

Whether you’re completely new to JavaScript or looking for a refresher course on core concepts, this book is ideal for junior and intermediate developers who want an easy-to-understand practical guide for JS essentials.

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Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming

Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming, 3rd Edition by Federico Kereki is an in-depth guide to mastering the fundamentals of functional programming in JavaScript and TypeScript.

Perfect for frontend and backend developers who use JavaScript frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular or Node.js, this book provides a comprehensive approach on improving your coding techniques.

Learn how to write code more concisely while performing seamless testing — The latest edition even covers features like async functions and transducers!

Beyond that, it also covers topics such as function composition, pipelining, chaining, and other principles related to good programming practices like recursion and immutability so you can improve your understanding of designing web apps using FP techniques.

Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming

Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming is an essential guide for JavaScript developers looking to improve their coding skills.

It covers topics such as function composition, pipelining, chaining, and recursion, and provides practical solutions for tackling complex programming problems. The latest edition also covers features like async functions and transducers so you can get up-to-date with the newest techniques.

Whether you’re an experienced programmer looking to refine their skills or a beginner trying to learn more, this book is a must-have!

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The Road to React: Your Journey to Master React.js in JavaScript

The Road to React: Your Journey to Master React.js in JavaScript by Robin Wieruch provides an all-encompassing yet concise educational experience for developers eager to learn the fundamentals of React.

Through comprehensive, step-by-step tutorials, readers will gain knowledge on a range of topics including handler functions, state lifting, controlled components, side effects and custom hooks.

The book also covers advanced features like client and server side searching as well as performance optimizations and best practices such as deploying a react application.

This is the perfect guidebook for those new to the field or experienced developers looking to brush up their skillset — helping them develop highly functional data-driven applications with ease!

The Road to React: Your Journey to Master React.js in JavaScript

The Road to React by Robin Wieruch is an ideal guide for developers interested in learning the fundamentals of React. 

It offers comprehensive step-by-step tutorials and covers topics from handler functions and state lifting, to advanced features like client and server side searching as well as guidance on performance optimization and best practices such as deploying a react application. 

This book provides everything needed for those new to the field or experienced developers looking to brush up their skillset – helping them develop data-driven applications with ease!

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Learning React: Modern Patterns for Developing React Apps

If you need to learn the fundamentals of React, Learning React: Modern Patterns for Developing React Apps, 2nd Edition is the perfect guide. Written by authors Alex Banks and Eve Porcello, this book provides best practices and patterns for writing modern React code without requiring any prior knowledge.

Step-by-step instructions teach you how to create efficient UIs that can display changes without page reloads on large-scale websites. Additionally, developers will incorporate hooks into their applications, and find information about functional programming, ECMAScript features, routing solutions for single-page applications and more.

Get started with Learning React, a must-have resource if you want to become proficient at creating robust web apps with React!

Learning React: Modern Patterns for Developing React Apps

Learning React is a comprehensive guide to writing modern React applications. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to create efficient UIs that can display changes without page reloads, as well as information about functional programming, ECMAScript features, routing solutions and more. Highly recommended for developers who want to perfect their web apps with React!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What coding concepts are covered in the best JavaScript books?

The best JavaScript books cover a wide range of coding concepts, including:

  • Variables and data types
  • Conditional statements
  • Functions and objects
  • Closures, prototypes, and promises
  • Best practice techniques such as testing and cross-browser development
  • Regular expressions (regex) for pattern matching in text strings.

Are there any books that are specifically designed for novice JavaScript developers?

Yes, there are a variety of books that are specifically designed for novice JavaScript developers. Examples include:

  1. Head First JavaScript is an excellent book to start with.
  2. Learn to Code with JavaScript is ideal for beginners as it takes you from the very basics of JavaScript and coding itself, to more advanced concepts such as recursion and functional programming.

These books provide an overview of the language and its core concepts, as well as practical examples and exercises to help learners gain a deeper understanding of how to apply them in real-world scenarios.


JavaScript is a great coding language to learn if you want to be a web developer. It's a powerful coding language that is in high demand. With this list of the best books for learning JavaScript, you will be well on your way to becoming a coding pro.

Up Next: Books for Learning HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Looking for the best book to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? Our selection of titles will help you build your skills and become a coding pro in no time.

10 Best Books to Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript Development
Get the best books to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. From beginner-friendly primers to more advanced texts, each book will provide you with the knowledge and best practices needed to build stunning websites from scratch. Start your coding journey today!

Whether you're a beginner, a freelance web developer, or something in between, these books have something for everyone. Check out our selection today and get started on your coding journey!